Medicated compresses

Hot packs

Hay contains a mixture of herbs with numerous phyto-therapeutic principles and are gathered in the high mountains.   The areas particularly benefited are neck, back, kidneys and articulations.

The effect is local and penetrates the deeper layers, calming, alleviating pain and relaxing contractions. The packs are kept in place for about 30 minutes and are removed while still warm. 


The mustard used for these plasters is the flour of black mustard which gives out a mustard oil when mixed with water. This essential oil provokes a strong cutaneous reaction of heat similar to a burn. The plaster remains in place for 6-8 minutes and is then removed and the skin is thoroughly cleaned. The redness and congestion of the skin activates an anti-inflammatory reaction of the underlying tissues and organs. 


Ginger is rich in ether oils. To prepare the pack, 2 spoonfuls of ginger powder to 30-50 cc of water is used. This is boiled to obtain a smooth paste, which is then spread on a gauze, put in a pack and then applied warm. To keep the pack warm a hot water bottle is used. It is left in place for about 30 minutes and is used mainly on the kidneys, stomach, thorax, chest and temples.

YARROW PACKS (infusion)

The humble yarrow is commonly found throughout Europe. Yarrow flowers are infused for 5-7 minutes and then poured over the cotton packs which are squeezed out and applied while still hot directly on the hepatic area. A hot water bottle is used to keep the pack hot and this is kept in place for about 30 minutes. Following this the patient is well covered and kept warm for another 30 minutes.


A plant with calming, anti-spastic and anti-inflammatory properties that grows wild in the meadows of our mountains. Warm, soaked cotton gauze is applied to the abdomen, which is then covered and bandaged. The hot water bag will keep the heat in for the 30 minutes of the treatment.


Their cooking leads to the creation of a mucilage with a well-known emollient effect with benefits in congestions of the upper airways (sinusitis, bronchitis). The application, inside a closed cotton gauze, takes about 20-30 minutes.


Equisetum reinforces the kidneys and stimulates diuresis. The decoction of equisetum is prepared with 3 spoonful of equisetum to 60 cc of cold water and left to boil for 30 minutes. Cotton compresses are then soaked in the decoction and applied directly to the skin. The compress can also be filled with the herbs to make a pack, thereby increasing the therapeutic efficiency of the application.


These are hot packs used to warm areas of the body which are particularly cold after a treatment of massage and/or friction. Beeswax on a sheet of silk is heated and applied to the area in need of treatment; it is then covered with a bag of salt which allows uniform and constant heat distribution. It is kept in place for about 30 minutes. 


Black lava basalt has a resolving, 'drying' and pain-relieving action when applied warm to aching joints. It is a dry application that retains heat for a long time. Lava basalt of the appropriate grain size is heated in a hot-air furnace, packed into coarse cotton fabric and applied to the painful area for about 12 minutes.

Cold packs


Quark is a fresh, unfermented cheese of a creamy consistence. About half a centimetre of quark is spread on gauze which is then folded over to form a pack. It is left in place for about an hour and the skin is not washed after removal. This pack to which arnica or borage can be added is an excellent anti-inflammatory.


Mud contains a mixture of several minerals. It draws heat and liquid from the body, it disinfects, absorbs grease and has a good anti-inflammatory effect. Water is mixed into the dry mud powder with a wooden spoon until a thick homogenous paste is obtained. About 1 cm of the paste is spread on soft packing paper and covered with a large web gauze. It is kept in place until it dries. After treatment, the mud cannot be used again.


ARGITAL mud can be mixed with Levico water and plant tinctures: the most frequently used is arnica tincture. Bio-active volcanic minerals obtained directly from deposits and springs around the volcanic basin of Bolsena lake are available upon medical prescription. They are applied with a special wooden spatula directly where needed to a thickness of at least 2/3 mm, wrapped in cling foil and kept in place for the entire night.

Warm packs


We use oleolites and ointments of medical plants prepared in our laboratory. The product is poured or smeared onto a cotton cloth, which is then applied directly onto the skin and covered with a previously heated bandage.